Smart satnav drives around the blue highway blues

Endlessly frustrated by congested roads, computer scientists at California State University, in Fullerton have developed a satellite navigation system, GeoTNavi, which hooks into historical traffic data and current vehicle ...

TDRS-K offers upgrade to vital communications net

(—NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, also known as the Space Network, will get an upgrade this month when the agency launches the first of a new generation of communications satellites to connect ...

NASA sees the major Midwestern snowstorm in infrared light

NASA and NOAA satellites have been providing data on the powerful low pressure area that dropped more than a foot of snow in some Midwestern states and prompted many warnings and weather advisories. NASA's Aqua satellite ...

Third Galileo satellite begins transmitting navigation signal

(—Europe's third Galileo satellite has transmitted its first test navigation signals back to Earth. The two Galileo satellites launched last October have reached their final orbital position and are in the midst ...

NASA sees 'hot towers' in intensifying Typhoon Bopha

Bopha intensified into a typhoon today, Nov. 30, as it continues to affect the islands in Micronesia in the western North Pacific Ocean. NASA's TRMM satellite captured rainfall data of Bopha and noticed "Hot Tower" thunderstorms ...

China puts European satellite into orbit

China on Tuesday "successfully" launched a European-made telecommunications satellite into orbit aboard a Chinese rocket, the official Xinhua news agency said.

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