Evaluating measurement error in remote-sensing deforestation data

Remote sensing methods are transformative tools used to study deforestation, but they are by no means perfect. In the new paper "Remotely Incorrect? Accounting for Nonclassical Measurement Error in Satellite Data on Deforestation," ...

AI crop predictor aids Africa's crisis planning

An artificial intelligence (AI) tool is using satellite remote sensing and machine learning to predict agricultural yields of key crops across Africa, to help mitigate the harms of climate change and other crises, its developers ...

The hidden culprit behind nitrogen dioxide emissions

Nitrogen dioxide is one of the criteria air pollutants that plays an important role as a precursor gas of fine particulate matter and ozone. NO2 emissions are known to be primarily generated by industrial facilities or vehicle ...

From ground to air to space: Tillage estimates get tech boost

According to national USDA statistics, no-till and conservation tillage are on the rise, with more than three quarters of corn and soybean farmers opting for the practices to reduce soil erosion, maintain soil structure, ...

Using machine learning to help monitor climate-induced hazards

Combining satellite technology with machine learning may allow scientists to better track and prepare for climate-induced natural hazards, according to research presented last month at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical ...

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