NASA-bound graduate solves satellite circuitry

( —An engineering graduate from UNSW who helped develop crucial hardware for a new satellite system has won a scholarship to attend the prestigious NASA Academy.

Bursting the clouds for better communication

We live in an age of long-range information transmitted either by underground optical fibre or by radio satellites. But the throughput today is so great that radio frequency is no longer enough in itself. Research is turning ...

Satellite Used in Polar Research Enters Retirement

( -- After a long career providing communications support, NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) 1 is retiring. From 1983 to 1998, TDRS-1 allowed NASA to talk to other satellites in orbit. From 1998 ...

Better weather forecasts with a map showing atmospheric vapour

Weather forecasts, satellite navigation in cars and the inspection of dikes or natural gas fields: these applications using satellite data would all be even more accurate if we knew more about the distribution of water vapour ...

Satellites assisting look into hurricanes

A mission to probe winds deep inside hurricanes, where most satellites cannot see and few aircraft venture, is showing signs of success despite an unexpected obstacle linked to tensions in the Middle East.

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