Image: Hertz chamber for radio-frequency testing

A view inside ESA's cavernous Hertz chamber for radio-frequency testing of satellites, which will be on show to the public during this Sunday's ESA Open Day in the Netherlands.

Testing time for Proba-V, ESA's global vegetation tracker

(—ESA's Proba-V microsatellite is now assembled and midway through testing to ensure it is fully spaceworthy. The miniature Earth-observer, designed to chart global vegetation every two days, will be launched in ...

South Pacific Galileo station endures freak rains and flood

Think your summer has been bad? Engineers manning Galileo's South Pacific ground station on New Caledonia found themselves marooned by heavy rains and a flash flood – though the station carried on operating regardless.

Give a name to ESA's zone of silence

Kept isolated from the external Universe, a special ESA chamber simulates the boundless emptiness of space for testing satellite antennas. Recently refitted, it is in need of a new name. Come up with a winning suggestion ...

Filling the gaps in the SuperDARN archive

When solar wind slams into Earth's magnetic field, the impacts ripple down through the planet's ionosphere, the outer shell of the atmosphere full of charged particles. A global array of high-frequency radars known as the ...

Image: Anchor antenna

This patch antenna under test at ESA's technical heart is designed to maintain a radio link between the two satellites making up the Proba-3 mission, allowing the pair to fly in formation to maintain an artificial eclipse ...

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