Liberty to boost stake in Sirius XM to 45 pct

(AP) -- Billionaire John Malone's Liberty Media Corp. said Tuesday that it will spend $650 million to increase its effective control of satellite radio company Sirius XM Radio Inc. to 45.2 percent.

Space weather expert has ominous forecast

A stream of highly charged particles from the sun is headed straight toward Earth, threatening to plunge cities around the world into darkness and bring the global economy screeching to a halt.

Researchers detail how a distant black hole devoured a star

( -- Two studies appearing in the Aug. 25 issue of the journal Nature provide new insights into a cosmic accident that has been streaming X-rays toward Earth since late March. NASA's Swift satellite first alerted ...

UK scientists warn of 'dangerous over-reliance' on GPS

Developed nations have become "dangerously over-reliant" on satellite navigation systems such as GPS, which could break down or be attacked with devastating results, British engineers said Tuesday.

Metamaterials approach makes better satellite antennas

( -- Cheaper, lighter and more energy-efficient broadband devices on communications satellites may be possible using metamaterials to modify horn antennas, according to engineers from Penn State and Lockheed Martin ...

Electronic searching aid for parents

Just a short call and the "Kidfinder" lets you know where your child is right now via SMS. It can be built into a game console and the locating unit even combines GPS position fixing with GSM tracking. In the best-case scenario, ...

Tiny Satellites for Big Science

The shrinking technology of cell phones, laptops and cameras are now leading to palm-sized satellites. Easy to build and affordable, these small satellites offer a new way to conduct astrobiology research. They also could ...

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