Animated maps reveal true level of devastation in Ukraine

Two years of war in Ukraine have caused widespread devastation to the country's citizenry, infrastructure and environment, and new research utilizing publicly accessible satellite imagery lays bare the scope of destruction.

Heritage ERS-2 satellite to reenter Earth's atmosphere

Throughout its 16-year working life, the second European Remote Sensing satellite, ERS-2, returned a wealth of information that revolutionized our perspective of our planet and understanding of climate change. As well as ...

Understanding a satellite's death spiral

Down on the ground, death equals stillness—but not in space. Abandoned satellites are prone to tumble in unpredictable ways, and an ESA project with the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern sought to better ...

Using AI to track icebergs

Researchers are using a new AI tool to detect icebergs in the Southern Ocean. This is the first step in being able to track the complete life cycle of most icebergs across Antarctica from satellite data. The study, "Unsupervised ...

Sentinel-1 reveals shifts from Morocco earthquake

Following the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco on 8 September, satellite data have been made available through the International Charter "Space and Major Disasters" to help emergency response teams on the ground.

Satellites are tracking patterns that lead up to El Niño

Adding to the grim list of record ice losses, record air temperatures and record droughts, which have all hit the headlines recently, the temperature of the surface waters of our oceans is also at an all-time high. With an ...

Future-proofing ice measurements from space

With diminishing ice one of the biggest casualties of our warming world, it's imperative that accurate measurements continue to be made for scientific research and climate policy, as well as for practical applications such ...

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