WikiLeaks documents hint of slick plans for arctic oil

With Arctic ice receding at an unprecedented pace due to global warming, many nations seem far more interested in carving up the newly exposed resources than doing something to slow climate change, according to documents ...

Measuring salt shine to improve climate understanding

From 14 - 25 August 2010, scientists from around the world will gather in Southern Turkey to measure the spectral reflectance of a few square kilometres of salt. These measurements will have a major impact on the future of ...

Fires around Moscow: A satellite perspective

Space scientists at the University of Leicester have released satellite images of vast plumes of smoke emanating from the peat bog fires which are currently sweeping across central and western Russia.

Japan experts call for robot expedition to moon

An expert panel advising the Japanese government called in a report approved on Thursday for the nation to send a wheeled robot to the moon in five years and to build the first lunar base by 2020.

SKorea recovers possible debris from fallen rocket

(AP) -- A South Korean navy ship on Friday recovered what is believed to be debris from a rocket that apparently blew up shortly after liftoff, as experts tried to find the cause of the latest setback to Seoul's space ambitions.

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