N. Korea triggers fresh outrage with space rocket launch

North Korea said Sunday it had successfully put a satellite into orbit, with a rocket launch widely condemned as another defiant step towards developing a missile capable of striking the US mainland.

Vega graduates with perfect record

Europe's Vega light launcher is entering its commercial life boasting a flawless record and an impressive set of capabilities for a wide range of missions.

GOES-R satellite begins environmental testing

The GOES-R satellite, slated to launch in 2016, is ready for environmental testing. Environmental testing simulates the harsh conditions of launch and the space environment once the satellite is in orbit. The GOES-R satellite ...

Image: Global cloud fraction map of Earth

Decades of satellite observations and astronaut photographs show that clouds dominate space-based views of Earth. One study based on nearly a decade of satellite data estimated that about 67 percent of Earth's surface is ...

Arctic sea ice hits record low

Arctic sea ice has reached its lowest winter point since satellite observations began in the late 1970s, raising concerns about faster ice melt and rising seas due to global warming, US officials said Thursday.

ESA image: The gold standard

The Eutelsat-9B satellite with its EDRS-A payload is shown in the anechoic test chamber of Airbus Defence and Space in Toulouse, France, having completed its final antenna pattern tests today.

European Data Relay System on track

The first component of Europe's space data highway passed several critical tests this summer replicating the harsh launch and space conditions it will soon have to endure.

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