Amazon plant growth detectable at last

Until recently it was impossible to carry out large-scale measurements of photochemical activity in the tropical rainforest and therefore draw conclusions on the subject. A chance success – a measurement by a satellite ...

First radar vision for Copernicus

Launched on 3 April, ESA's Sentinel-1A satellite has already delivered its first radar images of Earth. They offer a tantalising glimpse of the kind of operational imagery that this new mission will provide for Europe's ambitious ...

Video: 30 years of deforestation in Rio Branco

Deforestation near the northwestern Brazilian city of Rio Branco has made its mark on the rainforest over the last 30 years. By comparing a Landsat-5 image from 1985 with a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image from 2016, we can see ...

How satellites can improve the health of city dwellers

Most people get a health boost from exercise. But for those with heart disease or a lung condition such as asthma, exercising during periods of high urban air pollution can exacerbate rather than improve their condition.

SKorea recovers possible debris from fallen rocket

(AP) -- A South Korean navy ship on Friday recovered what is believed to be debris from a rocket that apparently blew up shortly after liftoff, as experts tried to find the cause of the latest setback to Seoul's space ambitions.

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