Ride into space on Vega-C secured for FLEX and Altius

A contract signed with Arianespace secures the joint launch for two satellites that will further knowledge of our home planet. Scheduled to lift off on a new class of rocket, ESA's Vega-C, from Europe's Spaceport in mid-2025, ...

Explore ESA's interactive Climate Change Kit

Arguably, humankind has never been more aware of the jeopardy we and the planet face because of climate change. As world leaders at COP26 work to accelerate action towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions to keep the goal ...

New ultra-hot Jupiter exoplanet discovered

An international team of astronomers has detected a new ultra-hot Jupiter extrasolar planet using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The newfound alien world is nearly two times larger than Jupiter and has ...

Satellites reveal how forests increase cloud and cool climate

Forests are not only key to moderating our climate by sequestering atmospheric carbon, but they also create a cooling effect by increasing low-level cloud. A first global assessment using satellite observations has shown ...

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