South Pacific Galileo station endures freak rains and flood

Think your summer has been bad? Engineers manning Galileo's South Pacific ground station on New Caledonia found themselves marooned by heavy rains and a flash flood – though the station carried on operating regardless.

Dish Network 4Q profit falls, gains subscribers

(AP) -- Dish Network's aggressive advertising blitz grabbed more subscribers for the third straight quarter, the company reported Monday, though that cut into profits during the final three months of the year.

Sharper GPS needs even more accurate atomic clocks

The GPS network might just be Earth's greatest piece of infrastructure. It's effectively a collection of clocks in space that serve up time information 24/7 free of charge to anyone on the planet who cares to listen.

Dish, Disney deal envisions Internet-delivered TV

Dish Network and Disney have reached a landmark deal that envisions the day when Dish will offer a Netflix-like TV service to people who'd rather stream TV over the Internet than put a satellite receiver on their roof.

Ergen lays out Dish Network's 10-year plan

(AP) -- Charlie Ergen, the billionaire who controls Dish Network Corp., has a 10-year plan to transform the satellite TV provider into a one-stop shop for Internet access, video and voice services at home and on the go.

Filling the gaps in the SuperDARN archive

When solar wind slams into Earth's magnetic field, the impacts ripple down through the planet's ionosphere, the outer shell of the atmosphere full of charged particles. A global array of high-frequency radars known as the ...

Hulu no longer for sale, owners say

After months of being courted by technology giants and TV signal providers, online video service Hulu is no longer for sale, its media company owners said Thursday.

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