SKorea postpones rocket launch due to gas leak

(AP)—South Korea has been forced to postpone its third attempt to launch a satellite into space from its own soil because of a last-minute technical glitch.

Soyuz rocket launches two Galileo satellites

A Soyuz rocket launched two Galileo satellites into orbit on Friday, marking a crucial step for Europe's planned navigation system, operator Arianespace announced.

NASA to launch smartphone-operated nanosatellites

NASA is relying on a small team of engineers at its Ames Research Center at California's Moffett Field to develop three nanosatellites operated by smartphones.

Russia Mars probe considered lost: report

Efforts to resume contact with a Russian space mission to Mars stuck in Earth orbit after launch have failed and the probe must be considered lost, Interfax news agency reported Saturday.

NASA to try Moon satellite launch Saturday

NASA has postponed until Saturday its next attempt to launch a $500 million pair of unmanned spacecraft that will use gravity tools to map the Moon's inner core for the first time.

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