NASA spots newborn Tropical Storm Chedza making landfall

Tropical Storm Chedza rapidly intensified from a tropical low pressure area to a tropical storm during the morning hours on January 16 near Madagascar's southwestern coast. NASA's Aqua satellite passed overhead and captured ...

Aqua satellite spots Tropical Cyclone Bansi intensifying quickly

NASA's Aqua satellite passed over Tropical Cyclone Bansi on January 12 as it was intensifying rapidly and saw a cloud-covered eye in the storm's center. Bansi has triggered warnings for the island of Mauritius and is expected ...

NASA sees tropical depression Hagupit winding down

The final advisory on Tropical Depression Hagupit was issued late on Dec. 11 and on Dec. 12, NASA's Terra satellite saw the storm's center spinning down off the coast of southern Vietnam.

NASA sees Hagupit weaken to a depression enroute to Vietnam

The once mighty super typhoon has weakened to a depression in the South China Sea as it heads for a final landfall in southern Vietnam. NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of the storm that showed it was weakening.

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