NASA sees tropical depression Hagupit winding down

The final advisory on Tropical Depression Hagupit was issued late on Dec. 11 and on Dec. 12, NASA's Terra satellite saw the storm's center spinning down off the coast of southern Vietnam.

NASA sees Hagupit weaken to a depression enroute to Vietnam

The once mighty super typhoon has weakened to a depression in the South China Sea as it heads for a final landfall in southern Vietnam. NASA's Aqua satellite captured an image of the storm that showed it was weakening.

NASA sees Tropical Cyclone Adjali develop a tail

When NASA's Terra satellite passed over the Southern Indian Ocean, the MODIS instrument aboard captured a picture of Tropical Cyclone Adjali that showed it developed a "tail," which is actually band of thunderstorms extending ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Nuri resemble a frontal system

NASA's Terra satellite passed over Tropical Storm Nuri on Nov. at captured an infrared picture of the storm. The storm looked more like a frontal system as it stretched from northeast to southwest.

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