A new method for 3-D reconstructions of eruptive events on sun

An international team of scientists led by Skoltech professor Tatiana Podladchikova developed a new 3-D method for reconstructing space weather phenomena, in particular, shock waves produced by the Sun's energy outbursts. ...

Image: Space antenna

Unlike traditional satellite dishes used to pick up television signals, this antenna has to work in space itself. Rather than being clamped to an apartment balcony, it will be installed on the exterior of Europe's Columbus ...

High-tech help connects fans to off-the-grid Iditarod race

Far from competitors tackling the frozen wilderness in Alaska's Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, a dozen people are holed up inside an Anchorage hotel behind banks of computers, tracking the punishing route and connecting with ...

UK church spires used to boost phone, wi-fi signal

Church spires across Britain will be used to boost broadband, mobile phone and WiFi connectivity in rural areas, under a deal struck between the government and the Church of England, it was announced Sunday.

Europe's Ariane 5 launches two satellites into space

Europe's Ariane 5 rocket launcher successfully sent two telecoms satellites, one for a US-based communications service provider and one for an Indonesian bank, into space on Saturday.

Tracking new space missions from down under

For beachgoers, Australia's pristine west coast is an ideal location to catch some rays. It is also ideal for catching signals from newly launched rockets and satellites, which is one reason why ESA is redeveloping its tracking ...

Catching signals from a speeding satellite

Soaring high above Earth as they speed through space, satellites are difficult targets to track. Now a new approach developed in Europe is helping ground stations to acquire signals faster and more accurately than ever before.

Dish, Disney deal envisions Internet-delivered TV

Dish Network and Disney have reached a landmark deal that envisions the day when Dish will offer a Netflix-like TV service to people who'd rather stream TV over the Internet than put a satellite receiver on their roof.

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