China lithium boom harming fragile Tibetan plateau: report

China's booming electric vehicle industry is fueling a lithium rush in the Tibetan plateau that risks damaging the troubled region's fragile ecology and deepening rights violations, research published Wednesday said.

How climate change is affecting the seasons

Autumn has finally arrived in the UK following an unusually sunny September. The days are growing shorter, the temperature cooler, and the leaves are changing color.

In 2020, 30% of the Pantanal was burned to cinders by wildfires

In 2020, the Pantanal, the largest tropical freshwater wetland in the world and a biodiversity hotspot, was swept by high-intensity fires that destroyed native vegetation in an area totaling 44,998 square kilometers, or about ...

Management zone maps of little use to corn growers, study finds

A multiyear analysis tested whether management zone maps based on soil conditions, topography or other landscape features can reliably predict which parts of a cornfield will respond best to higher rates of seeding or nitrogen ...

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