Related topics: mars

Sand dunes can 'communicate' with each other

Even though they are inanimate objects, sand dunes can 'communicate' with each other. A team from the University of Cambridge has found that as they move, sand dunes interact with and repel their downstream neighbours.

Curiosity captures stunning views of a changing Mars landscape

For the past year, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has been traveling through a transition zone from a clay-rich region to one filled with a salty mineral called sulfate. While the science team targeted the clay-rich region and ...

Plants might be helping each other more than thought

Contrary to the long-held belief that plants in the natural world are always in competition, new research has found that in harsh environments mature plants help smaller ones—and thrive as a result.

Signs of 'spider' phenomenon on Mars

ESA's Mars Express has snapped the telltale traces of "spiders" scattered across the southern polar region of Mars.

Complex subsurface of Mars imaged by Chinese rover Zhurong

Ground-penetrating radar from China's Martian rover Zhurong reveals shallow impact craters and other geologic structures in the top five meters of the Red Planet's surface. The images of the Martian subsurface are presented ...

Marks on Martian dunes may be tracks of dry-ice sleds

( —NASA research indicates hunks of frozen carbon dioxide—dry ice—may glide down some Martian sand dunes on cushions of gas similar to miniature hovercraft, plowing furrows as they go.

Curiosity rover faces its toughest climb yet on Mars

On Aug. 5, NASA's Curiosity rover will notch its 11th year on Mars by doing what it does best: studying the Red Planet's surface. The intrepid bot recently investigated a location nicknamed "Jau" that is pockmarked with dozens ...

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