Warmer climate threatens the seaweed forest

The future climate could have serious consequences for valuable coastal ecosystems. Warmer, more acidic, and less saline water make the bladderwrack more fragile and appetizing for snails and other grazers. This is shown ...

How salty is Enceladus' ocean under the ice?

An icy satellite of Saturn, Enceladus, has been a subject of increasing interest in recent years since Cassini captured jets of water and other material being ejected out of the south pole of the moon. One particularly tantalizing ...

Warming may promote spread of invasive blue catfish

A study by researchers at William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science suggests that continued warming of Atlantic coastal waters may enhance the spread of invasive blue catfish within the Chesapeake Bay and other ...

Pretty in pink: India crater lake changes colour overnight

A crater lake in India's western Maharashtra state has turned pink overnight, delighting nature enthusiasts and surprising experts who attributed it to changing salinity levels and the presence of algae in the water.

Scientists use bacteria to help plants grow in salty soil

A new study has shown that salt-tolerant bacteria can be used to enhance salt tolerance in various types of plants. The new approach could increase crop yield in areas dealing with increasing soil salinity.

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