Hachette, Amazon end nasty feud with deal on book sales

Publisher Hachette and Amazon ended Thursday an acrimonious feud over online book sales that highlighted Amazon's market dominance and fuelled protests from leading authors like John Grisham and Stephen King.

Microsoft unbundles Kinect from Xbox One

In a move to spur sales of the Xbox One and catch up with rival Sony's PlayStation 4, Microsoft Corp. said Tuesday it will start selling the console without the Kinect sensor, which cuts $100 from the price.

Microsoft-bound Nokia business sees sales slide (Update 3)

The Nokia handsets business that Microsoft is due to take over saw sales continue to slide in the fourth quarter as its Lumia smartphones failed to draw business away from larger competitors like Apple and Samsung.

Toyota's hybrid vehicle sales pass 5 million

Toyota's global sales of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles have surpassed 5 million in a milestone for a technology that was initially greeted with skepticism.

Fukushima operator TEPCO triples net loss forecast

Fukushima nuclear plant operator TEPCO on Monday slashed its outlook for the fiscal year to March, warning it expected to lose about $1.29 billion or almost three times an earlier estimate.

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