NASA ejects nanosatellite from microsatellite in space

( -- On Dec. 6 at 1:31 a.m. EST, NASA for the first time successfully ejected a nanosatellite from a free-flying microsatellite. NanoSail-D ejected from the Fast, Affordable, Science and Technology Satellite, ...

'The Year of the Solar System' to begin

To mark an unprecedented flurry of exploration which is about to begin, NASA announced yesterday that the coming year will be "The Year of the Solar System" (YSS).

Could solar wind power Earth?

( -- As we strive to find sources of alternative energy, a number of researchers continue to look to what we consider the ultimate in renewable energy -- the sun. However, on earth creating efficient solar panels ...

Data clippers set sail to enhance future planetary missions

A new golden age of sailing may be about to begin - in space. Future missions to explore the outer planets could employ fleets of 'data-clippers', manoeuvrable spacecraft equipped with solar sails, to ship vast quantities ...

Setting sail in the sun

Propelled by sunlight pressure, large lightweight sails made of ultrathin aluminum-coated plastic could one day take probes to the edge of our solar system and other stars.

Sailing Among the Stars

( -- NASA launch will evaluate how a nanosatellite spacecraft and its payload performs.

IKAROS unfurls first ever solar sail in space

( -- Japan's IKAROS has rolled out its solar sail, the first ever deployed in space. JAXA, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, achieved the feat by rotating the craft rapidly and spinning the sail out by centrifugal ...

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