The secrets of the Sahara revealed

"When I first arrived in the Sahara, I was struck by how utterly barren it was, like the color green was removed from the palette when they made this place, just nothing, grays and browns, and not a scrap of life," Jennifer ...

Dog kennel hit by meteorite sells at auction

A Christie's auction of rare meteorites Wednesday sold a rock from space that narrowly missed a German Shepherd when it smashed into his kennel in Costa Rica.

The Sahara olive tree: A genetic heritage to be preserved

The Saharan cousin of Mediterranean olive trees remains largely unknown. However, this subspecies (called the Laperinne's olive tree) is of great interest for several reasons. IRD researchers and their partners showed that ...

Collaboration aims to harness the energy of 2,000 suns

Today on Earth Day, scientists have announced a collaboration to develop an affordable photovoltaic system capable of concentrating, on average, the power of 2,000 suns, with an efficiency that can collect 80 percent of the ...

Society warns cuckoo bird in danger of extinction

(AP) -- Britain's cuckoo bird, known for its distinctive call, is in danger of extinction along with 51 other species, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said in a new report Thursday.

How Earth's orbital shift shaped the Sahara

A change in the Earth’s orbit, many scientists believe, transformed the “Green Sahara” into what is now the largest desert on the planet. While scientists are still trying to find out if the slow shift in orbit ...

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