Montana approves relocation of sage grouse to Canada

Montana will send dozens of sage grouse to the Canadian province of Alberta in a plan approved Thursday that faces opposition from some lawmakers who say the state should first look to bolster its own fragile population of ...

Sage grouse plan aims for balance between industry, wildlife

A cooperative effort to save a ground-dwelling bird has diverted it from possible extinction, federal officials declared Tuesday, as they sought to safeguard the habitat of a declining species while maintaining key pieces ...

Ag secretary promises more sage grouse spending across West

The federal government plans to spend more than $200 million over the next three years on programs to protect greater sage grouse in Western states—regardless of whether the bird receives federal protections, U.S. Agriculture ...

Rules aim to protect imperiled bird's habitat in 10 states

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell revealed plans Thursday to preserve habitat in 10 Western states for an imperiled ground-dwelling bird, the federal government's biggest land-planning effort to date for conservation of a single ...

$4 million in US projects aim to protect sage grouse habitat

Interior Secretary Sally Jewell on Wednesday announced more than $4 million in projects in four states as part of a wildfire-fighting strategy to protect a wide swath of intermountain West sagebrush country that supports ...

Western governors tout sage grouse conservation efforts

A group of Western-state governors has released a report on voluntary efforts in 11 states to conserve the habitat of sage grouse as part of an effort to avoid a federal listing of the bird under the federal Endangered Species ...

Firefighting plan aims to protect Western habitat

U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell has released the initial plan for a new wildfire-fighting strategy to protect a wide swath of intermountain West sagebrush country that supports cattle ranching and is home to a struggling ...

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