Japan court blocks restarting of two nuclear reactors

A Japanese court on Tuesday issued a landmark injunction against the restarting of two atomic reactors, after the country's nuclear watchdog had given the green light to switch them back on.

Auto industry acts globally—except on recalls

When it comes to making and selling cars, the auto industry thinks and acts globally: There is near-seamless coordination between parts suppliers, factories and dealerships.

Apple supplier in China accused of violations

An Apple supplier in China is violating safety and pay rules despite the computer giant's promises to improve conditions, two activist groups said Thursday, ahead of the expected release of the iPhone 6.

Enhancing safety of domestic solar power storage

Lithium-ion battery-based energy storage systems have already demonstrated how efficient, reliable, and safe they can be in commercial electric vehicles. These high safety standards now also have to be transferred to battery-based ...

Obama calls for new truck fuel standards

US President Barack Obama on Tuesday ordered officials to start setting new fuel efficiency standards for medium and heavy trucks, wielding his executive power in the fight against climate change.

Scientists probe yeast's ability to protect tree nuts

(Phys.org) -- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have moved a step closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms that enable a helpful yeast to disable a mold that attacks tree nuts such as almonds, pistachios, ...

Safe and scientifically sound

In August, federal officials sent a letter to Yale University formally criticizing its safety practices in connection to the accidental death of a student.

Feeding native ecosystems with waste

UC researchers are pioneering the use of treated sewage to restore native plants on Te Pātaka-o-Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula.

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