Former US official to head cybersecurity at Sony

Japanese electronics giant Sony, which suffered a huge data breach this year, named a former top US Department of Homeland Security official on Tuesday to lead its cybersecurity efforts.

Research sheds light on the importance of police trust in the public

A recent study finds that police officers who place more trust in the public are also more likely to pursue cases on their own initiative—termed proactive policing—and have higher arrest rates. The finding may have implications ...

Full ban on driver calls could be tough to enforce

(AP) -- A driver in the next lane is moving his lips. Is he on a hands-free cell phone or just talking to himself? If lawmakers follow the advice of a federal board, police officers will have to start figuring that out.

Ford to open Silicon Valley lab

Ford Motor Co. is the latest automaker to open a research lab in Silicon Valley, where it hopes to scout out new technology and keep ahead of trends.

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