Lahar awareness research will help save lives

Many skiers and snowboarders on Mt Ruapehu do not know how to get to safety if a potentially deadly lahar came rampaging down the mountainside, research from Massey graduate Leleiga Taito shows.

The move toward 'crowdsourcing' public safety

Earlier this year, Martin Dias, assistant professor in the D'Amore-McKim School of Business, presented research for the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System in which he examined Nlets' network and how its governance ...

Sex offenders are on the move

Convicted sex offenders continue to move freely within communities, including in restricted areas, despite laws designed to limit their movements. A new study, by Alan Murray from Arizona State University and colleagues, ...

Giving new meaning to 'smart car'

( -- McMaster and IBM have launched a research project to investigate how the automotive industry can connect a vehicle's multiple microprocessors, which currently work in isolation, to create a "cognitive car" ...

Ames Researcher Makes Flying Safer

( -- It's comforting to know that when you board a commercial airline Ames Researcher Ashok Srivastava is working to ensure that you enjoy a safe flight.

Government posting wealth of data to Internet

(AP) -- The Obama administration on Friday is posting to the Internet a wealth of government data from all Cabinet-level departments, on topics ranging from child car seats to Medicare services.

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