Fusion presents low proliferation risk, experts conclude

American researchers have shown that prospective magnetic fusion power systems would pose a much lower risk of being used for the production of weapon-usable materials than nuclear fission reactors and their associated fuel ...

Linux B-day celebrations rattled by break-in

(PhysOrg.com) -- Just days after celebrations marking the 20th birthday of Linux, the operating system revered around the globe as a rock-solid open source triumph, news surfaced that key servers used to maintain and distribute ...

FDA says fast-growing fish would not harm nature (Update)

U.S. government health regulators say a genetically modified salmon that grows twice as fast as normal is unlikely to harm the environment, clearing the way for the first approval of a scientifically engineered animal for ...

EU freezes approval of GM crops to 2014

The European Commission has decided to freeze the approval process for genetically modified food crops through the end of its mandate next year while it works towards an agreement with EU member states.

Facebook adds 'app' passwords to site security

Facebook is ramping up security by giving people the option of setting passwords for games or other third-party applications added to pages at the leading online social network.

Intel chairs ask Obama to send bill on NSA changes

The chairs of the House and Senate intelligence committees are praising President Barack Obama's speech laying out changes to U.S. spying programs. But they're questioning whether Obama's proposal to end the government's ...

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