No Galileo nav-sat launch for December - Arianespace

Space launch operator Arianespace said on Monday that Europe had decided against hoisting two more Galileo geolocation satellites in December following a launch mishap in August.

US-Russian crew docks with space station

(AP)—A U.S.-Russian crew docked early Friday with the International Space Station, about six hours after launching from Russia's manned space facility in Kazakhstan.

SpaceX rocket explodes during test flight

A SpaceX rocket exploded in midair during a test flight, though no one was injured, as the company seeks to develop a spacecraft that can return to Earth and be used again.

Almost anyone can hitchhike into space with a nanosatellite

Earlier this year, the Russian Federal Space Agency received a hand-luggage-sized delivery from the UK. It came with a request to launch the contents aboard a rocket, along with the Russian three-tonne meteorological satellite. ...

SpaceX unveils capsule to ferry astronauts to space

A sleek, white gumdrop-shaped space capsule that aims to carry up to seven astronauts to the International Space Station and return to land anywhere on Earth was unveiled Thursday by SpaceX.

Russian-US crew blast off for ISS from Kazakhstan (Update)

A crew of two Russian cosmonauts and an American astronaut blasted off Tuesday from Kazakhstan on a Russian Soyuz rocket for the International Space Station, with US-Russia space cooperation pressing on despite the diplomatic ...

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