Women work harder than men: An anthropological study reveals why

For most people around the world, physical work takes up a great amount of time and energy every day. But what determines whether it is men or women who are working harder in households? In most hunter-gatherer societies, ...

Ag policy in India needs to account for domestic workload

Women's increased agricultural labor during harvest season, in addition to domestic house care, often comes at the cost of their health, according to new research from the Tata-Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition ...

Women in cities less likely to have children

A new study in Behavioral Ecology finds that women are less likely to procreate in urban areas that have a higher percentage of females than males in the population.

Small towns have highest risk of intimate partner violence

Despite common perceptions that big cities have more violence, women living in small towns are most at risk of violence from current or former spouses and partners, according to a recent study by Washington State University ...

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