Cover crop seeder pulls triple duty for small farms

Farmers using a cover crop seeder developed by Penn State agricultural scientists may eventually need only a single trip across the field to accomplish what takes most farmers three passes and several pieces of equipment ...

Conewago Creek may hold key for cleaning up Chesapeake

( -- As Pennsylvania streams go, Conewago Creek in Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster counties is really nothing special. But remember the name, because it could hold the key to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.

Plant buffers can slow runoff of veterinary antibiotics

Field tests by University of Missouri scientists have backed up laboratory research indicating that buffer strips of grass and other plants can reduce the amount of herbicide and veterinary antibiotics in surface runoff from ...

Pollution forms an invisible barrier for marine life

Over 50 percent of the population in the United States and over 60 percent in the world live in coastal areas. Rapidly growing human populations near the ocean have massively altered coastal water ecosystems.

World's coral reefs could be gone by 2050: study

The world's coral reefs could be wiped out by 2050 unless urgent action is taken to stop threats posed to the "rainforests of the sea" by everything from overfishing to climate change, a report warned.

Recharge pond study reveals dynamics of water infiltration

( -- An infiltration pond in California's Pajaro Valley has become a laboratory where scientists are working to improve techniques for recharging the region's depleted aquifer. Researchers at the University of ...

Oceans where fishes choke

( -- Australian marine scientists have expressed disquiet over the continued worldwide spread of large, dead zones in the ocean.

Pelletized manure reduces toxic runoff

There is considerable amount of uncertainty concerning the environmental impacts that animal hormones have on surface water. Higher concentrations of hormones in waterways have been found to cause physiological and sexual ...

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