Bobsled runs -- fast and yet safe

Lightning fast, the sled bolts down the icy run. Will the team make it to the finish faster than their competitors? The tension in the crowd depends partly on the run itself: the faster the sleds can travel on the run, the ...

Running in Tarahumara culture

"Running in Tarahumara (Rarámuri) Culture," just published in Current Anthropology (v61, no. 3 (June 2020): 356-379) studies the Tarahumara Native Americans of northern Mexico.

Video: Marathon chemistry: The science of distance running

Marathons are tough. Athletes push their bodies for miles and deal with cramping, dehydration and every runner's worst fear: that extreme form of fatigue called "hitting the wall." Why is distance running so difficult?

Cruise control starts runners on right 'note'

A new app based on technology designed at Simon Fraser University is helping runners to more effectively – and enjoyably – reach and maintain their pace or heart rate goals.

Improve individual skills supported by BigData

Running is one of the most popular sports. However, not many runners have received formal training on running. Associate Professor Shinichi YAMAGIWA of the University of Tsukuba and his colleagues have developed a system ...

Sex difference in competitiveness even among the fastest runners

Sex differences in some behaviors are well established, but it's unclear whether differences still occur within highly selective sub-populations, such as expert financial decision makers or elite athletes. Researchers assessed ...

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