Tying molecules in knots

A new generation of lighter, stronger plastics could be produced using an intricate chemical process devised by scientists.

Saint Lawrence seaway eels slipping into oblivion

Standing in tall rubber boots in mud smeared with gooey algae, Bruno Ouellet tugs on massive nets strewn across the shores of the Saint Lawrence River, hoping to snag just a few eels.

Nanotechnology holds promise for safer breast implants

A new review published in WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology explores how nanotechnology may be used to develop safer breast implants as an alternative to silicone rubber, minimizing health complications.

River crests in Memphis; states downstream prepare

(AP) -- The Mississippi crest rolled past Memphis on Tuesday, going easy on much of the city, yet downriver in the mostly poor, fertile Delta region, floodwaters washed away crops, damaged hundreds of homes and closed casinos ...

Researcher revolutionizes rubber recycling

Scrap rubber has remained little more than, well, scrap -- until now. University of Akron researcher Dr. Avraam Isayev developed an innovative rubber recovery technology expected to cause a major shift in rubber reprocessing ...

Stretched rubber offers simpler method for assembling nanowires

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a cheap and easy method for assembling nanowires, controlling their alignment and density. The researchers hope the findings will foster additional ...

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