A revolution in knot theory

In the 19th century, Lord Kelvin made the inspired guess that elements are knots in the "ether". Hydrogen would be one kind of knot, oxygen a different kind of knot---and so forth throughout the periodic table of elements. ...

Divorce in a one-dimensional world

In everyday objects, there is no left without right or front without back. Just as inseparable seem to be the electron's electric charge and its "spin." But in a strictly one-dimensional quantum world, both quantum properties ...

New hydrogel can stretch to 15 times its original size

A team of molecular engineers at Tsinghua University, in China, has developed a new type of hydrogel that can stretch to 15 times its original size and then snap back to its original form. In their study, published in the ...

Nanogenerator's 2500% stretchability sets new record

By stretching like a rubber band to more than 25 times its original length, a new nanogenerator has set a new stretchability record. The triboelectric nanogenerator's 2500% stretchability represents a significant increase ...

Microchips can permanently link patients with clinical samples

You watched the blood flow from your arm into a vial. The technician capped the vial and secured with a rubber band the scrap of paper containing your name and patient information. When you call to get the results of the ...

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