Quasars illuminate swiftly swirling clouds around galaxies

(Phys.org) —A new study of light from quasars has provided astronomers with illuminating insights into the swirling clouds of gas that form stars and galaxies, proving that the clouds can shift and change much more quickly ...

Astronomy is a big star of Ada Lovelace Day

100 years ago the first women became Fellows of the Royal Astronomical Society. To mark this anniversary, the RAS is a platinum sponsor of Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) on 11 October, which celebrates the achievements of women in ...

Stars cheek by jowl in the early Universe

(PhysOrg.com) -- In the early Universe, some galaxies may have had stars packed together a hundred times more closely than in the present day, according to research by a University of Bonn team to be published in a paper ...

A 'matryoshka' in the interstellar medium

As if it were one of the known Russian dolls, a group of astronomers, led by researchers at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, (IAC) has found the first known case of three supernova remnants one inside the other. ...

Sextans: The smallest cannibal galaxy discovered until now

A team at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has discovered a new case of galactic cannibalism in the neighbourhood of the Milky Way, which has caused the merging of two galaxies on the smallest scale so far ...

Cosmological 'lost' lithium: An environmental solution

In the beginning there were four "fundamental" elements besides Hydrogen- not Earth, Air, Fire, or Water, but rather Helium 3, Helium 4, Deuterium and Lithium-7, four "light" isotopes produced by primordial nucleosynthesis ...

Time to think big: A call for a giant space telescope

(Phys.org) —In the nearly 25 years since the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), astronomers and the public alike have enjoyed ground-breaking views of the cosmos and the suite of scientific discoveries that followed. ...

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