Scientists detect comets outside our solar system

Scientists from MIT and other institutions, working closely with amateur astronomers, have spotted the dusty tails of six exocomets—comets outside our solar system—orbiting a faint star 800 light years from Earth.

Protosuns teeming with prebiotic molecules

Complex organic molecules such as formamide, from which sugars, amino acids and even nucleic acids essential for life can be made, already appear in the regions where stars similar to our Sun are born. Astrophysicists from ...

Astronomers see black hole raging red

Violent red flashes, lasting just fractions of a second, have been observed during one of the brightest black hole outbursts in recent years.

NuSTAR finds clumpy doughnut around black hole

The most massive black holes in the universe are often encircled by thick doughnut-shaped disks of material. This doughnut material ultimately feeds and nourishes the growing black holes tucked inside. Until recently, some ...

Hubble and Galaxy Zoo find bars and baby galaxies don't mix

( —Harnessing the power of both the Hubble Space Telescope and the citizen science project Galaxy Zoo, scientists from the University of Portsmouth have found that bar-shaped features in spiral galaxies accelerate ...

Students map Milky Way with dwarf stars

Two astronomy students from Leiden University have mapped the entire Milky Way Galaxy in dwarf stars for the first time. They show that there are a total of 58 billion dwarf stars, of which seven per cent reside in the outer ...

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