Related topics: nasa · mars

ExoMars: Back on track for the red planet

A year has passed since the launch of the ESA's Rosalind Franklin rover mission was put on hold, but the work has not stopped for the ExoMars teams in Europe.

NASA's Curiosity views first 'sun rays' on Mars

Martian sunsets are uniquely moody, but NASA's Curiosity rover captured one last month that stands out. As the sun descended over the horizon on Feb. 2, rays of light illuminated a bank of clouds. These "sun rays" are also ...

NASA's Perseverance rover shows off collection of Mars samples

Even space robots know what "pics or it didn't happen" means: NASA's Perseverance Mars rover provided a panorama of its recently completed sample depot—a big milestone for the mission and humanity's first collection of ...

Perseverance takes a selfie to show off some of its samples

One of the main jobs for the Perseverance Mars rover past few weeks has been collecting carefully selected samples of Mars rock and soil. These samples have been placed and sealed in special sample tubes and left in well-identified ...

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