Spectacular 360-degree 3-D panorama from Apollo 16

Dealing with those who think the Apollo Moon landings never happened can be frustrating. Most of us just throw up our hands in exasperation, but Italian amateur astronomer Roberto Beltramini came up with a better idea: create ...

NASA-JPL director Charles Elachi talks about latest Mars mission

The car-sized Mars rover Curiosity, which landed on the Red Planet last month, is the biggest, most expensive and most ambitious planetary mission in many years. But it is just one of a sweeping portfolio of past and future ...

Rover Leaves Tracks in Morse Code

(Phys.org)—NASA's Curiosity rover took its first test stroll Wednesday Aug. 22, 2012, and beamed back pictures of its accomplishment in the form of track marks in the Martian soil. Careful inspection of the tracks reveals ...

Can Curiosity Mars mission inspire like Apollo?

(AP)—Neil Armstrong inspired millions with his moonwalk. Can a feisty robotic rover exploring Mars do the same for another generation? With manned missions beyond the International Space Station on hold, the spotlight has ...

UBC researcher to help NASA peer deep into the centre of Mars

NASA has approved funding for the Mars InSight lander, a mission that will enable scientists, including UBC geophysicist Catherine Johnson, to gather the first seismic information from any planet other than Earth.

India clears mission to Mars

India's government has cleared plans to put an orbital probe around Mars next year to study the red planet's climate and geology, a report said Saturday.

NASA's newest Mars rover faces a tricky landing

It's the U.S. space agency's most ambitious and expensive Mars mission yet — and it begins with the red planet arrival Sunday of the smartest interplanetary rover ever built.

New Mars rover digitally designed and tested

NASA scientists used software from Siemens to help create the new Mars rover Curiosity, which is currently on its way to Mars. The 900-kilogram rover is the largest Mars vehicle to date. It will reach the red planet on August ...

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