Q&A: Should you reboot your router like the FBI says?

Last week, the FBI recommended rebooting home and small office routers that could have been infected with disruptive malware, allegedly by sophisticated state-backed Russian hackers . An estimated half million routers and ...

Antivirus firm warns of cyberattacks on home appliances

Avast, the company behind the leading antivirus software, warned Thursday against attacks on home appliances connected to the internet, calling hackers targeting home routers a major threat to consumers.

New Wi-Fi antenna enhances wireless coverage

Researchers at Universiti Teknologi MARA in Malaysia have succeeded in using ionised gas in a common fluorescent light tube as an antenna for a Wi-Fi Internet router.

'Eye in the sky' will bypass Internet traffic jams

When you're driving to work you wish you knew where the traffic jams will be. The same is true on the Internet, but network operators today can't observe or control the paths that carry data beyond the borders of their own ...

Q&A: Experts warn of Bash Bug, what are the risks? (Update)

Internet security experts are warning that a new programming flaw known as the "Bash Bug" may pose a serious threat to millions of computers and other devices such as home Internet routers. Even the systems used to run factory ...

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