Mobile perspective in regional public transportation

At the IFA Consumer Electronics Unlimited trade show in Berlin from August 31 - September 5, developers from Fraunhofer's FOKUS will exhibit how to link information to mobile devices and to public displays. The goal is to ...

Profiteers of climate change in the Arctic

Climate change has made it easier to gain access to the Arctic for the extraction of fossil fuels. It is also opening up shipping routes that were once mostly covered by ice. As an analysis by ETH Zurich’s 'Center for ...

Brazil to fine Chevron $56 mn over oil spill

Brazilian authorities said Monday they planned to impose fines reaching $56 million (41 million euros) on US energy giant Chevron for an oil spill from a well off Rio de Janeiro state.

Flight dispatched with supplies for North Pole team

A plane set off Wednesday during a break in bad weather to re-supply three stranded British researchers, who are trapped and fighting to survive in the North Pole, organizers of the aid effort said.

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