Satellite tracking supports whale survival

Extensive satellite tracking has revealed important new knowledge about the little known pygmy blue whale population of Southern Australia.

Russian oil giant announces start of vast Arctic project

Russian oil giant Rosneft on Wednesday announced the start of operations for its giant Vostok oil project in the Arctic, part of the country's strategic energy plan which has been criticised by environmentalists.

Q&A: Seasonal economics of food during a pandemic

Michigan State University's Trey Malone answers questions about the economics of food in the coming months and how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect typical seasonal patterns. Malone is an assistant professor of agriculture, ...

Sticky tape: A key ingredient for mapping artifact origins

Researchers at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science in Japan have demonstrated that combining a highly sensitive sulfur analysis technique with simple sulfur-free tape is an effective and harmless way to ...

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