Larger Seasonal Speed Zones Could Save Whales

( -- Larger areas of speed limits for ships around major ports could significantly help North Atlantic right whales' survival, according to a new study led by Duke University scientists.

Chinese culture at the crossroads

Recent archaeological discoveries from far-flung corners of China are forcing scientists to reconsider the origins of ancient Chinese civilization - and a new crop of young archaeologists are delving into the modern nation's ...

Wiping out the world's mass migrations

Densely packed wildebeests flowing over the Serengeti, bison teeming across the Northern Plains—these iconic images extend from Hollywood epics to the popular imagination. But the fact is, all of the world's large-scale ...

Oldest evidence of leprosy found in 4000-year-old skeleton

A biological anthropologist from Appalachian State University working with an undergraduate student from Appalachian, an evolutionary biologist from UNC Greensboro, and a team of archaeologists from Deccan College (Pune, ...

Eight carriers in undersea Asia cable project

Eight Asian telecoms companies have formed a consortium to build an undersea cable system to link 10 regional hubs, Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PDLT) said Wednesday.

Blue whales returning to former Alaska waters

(AP) -- Blue whales are returning to Alaska in search of food and could be re-establishing an old migration route several decades after they were nearly wiped out by commercial whalers, scientists say.

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