Robotic gardening: MIT course creates robot-tending tomatoes

( -- In the middle of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) sits a platform of fake grass with tomato plants nestled in terra cotta pots, growing under the light of an artificial sun. ...

iRobot planning an Android-based robot

( -- iRobot is working on robots that have the brains of an Android tablet. The goal is an Android-based tablet that is able to see the world around it, hear input from humans, respond and think about the next ...

60-second review: Auto-vacuuming robots

This column kicks off our series on gadgets to help you achieve your New Year's Resolution. Today's review: the latest in auto-vacuuming robots to aid our lazy readers who resolve to have a cleaner home. One is the Roomba, ...

Smarter robot vacuum cleaners for automated office cleaning

Can you really use Outlook to make sure your office floor gets vacuumed? Absolutely! Fraunhofer IAO is currently developing an intelligent cleaning concept for smart offices. A robot vacuum cleaner automatically takes care ...

Review: Neato Botvac Connected vacuum expensive, efficient

My mom loves to vacuum. She shops for vacuums like most people shop for cars. She does her research and takes a test drive before she buys. Mom even had a Roomba robot vacuum for a while, but I haven't seen her use it in ...

LEXI the robot improves safety for explosives handlers

(—LEXI is a new robot at work in the firing tanks of the Lab's High Explosives Applications Facility (HEAF) and the work that's done there for the National Explosives Engineering Sciences Security (NEXESS) Center. ...

Students demo autonomous robotic systems

( -- Pop into Cornell's Autonomous Systems Lab in Rhodes Hall any given day, and a mechanical arthropod might be negotiating a steep ramp, or a Roomba-like rover could be cleaning up a cluttered room.

Vacuum robot is trilingual, knows witty dialect

(AP) -- It looks just like iRobot's Roomba vacuuming machine, except the new circular roaming vacuum cleaner from Sharp Corp. is trilingual, and even knows a hip humorous dialect.

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