Youths beware of bullying by best friends

We wouldn't expect best friends to bully each other—but they can in unexpected ways. Sometimes, bullying behaviour by young people that would usually be considered harmful is accepted by a victim, because they greatly value ...

Online romance scams: A modern form of fraud

Over the last 20 years, the rapid development of digital communication technology has given rise to new forms of social interaction on social media. Digital communication technologies can overcome physical, social and psychological ...

What helps couples weather financial storms

Experts have predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic will result in the worst financial crisis in the United States since the Great Depression. While the full scope of the financial fallout remains to be seen, furloughs, job ...

Romosexuality: Embracing queer sex and love in Ancient times

Greek homosexuality has been set upon a pedestal, deemed a worthy and respectable model for romance by philosophers, writers and lovers alike. The reality is, though, that love and sex for the queer community owe more to ...

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