How asexuals navigate romantic relationships

Though an estimated 1% of Americans identify as asexual—a sexual orientation most commonly defined as lacking sexual attraction—asexual people remain relatively invisible and are rarely researched. For these reasons, ...

Cyberbullying extends to workplace, bedroom

Cyberbullying is no longer restricted to children. Adults routinely use content from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social-media services to intimidate and harass subordinates and rivals at work.

Your selfie obsession could ruin your relationship

"Selfie" is not just word of the year, but also the mainstay of postings on social media sites such as Instagram. With the prevalence of camera-equipped smartphones the posting of selfies has reached epidemic levels – even ...

Online dating scammers looking for money, not love

Online romance scams, a new form of cybercrime, is under-reported and increasing, and has victimized an estimated 230,000 people in England, costing them nearly $60 billion a year, according to an article in Cyberpsychology, ...

Predicting an end to your relationship

Breaking up, making up, or waking up to the fact that your partner is thinking about leaving you have long been grist for songwriters, but the ups and downs of romantic relationships have also fueled psychology research.

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