Crews uncover massive Roman mosaic in southern Turkey

A University of Nebraska-Lincoln archeological team has uncovered a massive Roman mosaic in southern Turkey—a meticulously crafted, 1,600-square-foot work of decorative handiwork built during the region's imperial zenith.

Lasers reveal 'lost' Roman roads

Since 1998 the Environment Agency has used lasers to scan and map the English landscape from above to help with work such as flood modelling and tracking changing coastlines. But these LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) ...

Synthesizing a deadly mushroom toxin

The death-cap mushroom has a long history as a tool of murder and suicide, going back to ancient Roman times. The fungus, Amanita phalloides, produces one of the world's deadliest toxins: α-amanitin. While it may seem ill-advised, ...

Prepping for data from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

As part of a plan to prepare for the quantity and range of data that will be coming in from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, currently scheduled to launch by May 2027, NASA has granted funding to five project infrastructure ...

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