Buried but found: First images of a lost Roman town

(Phys.org)—An ancient Italian town, which disappeared after its abandonment 1,500 years ago and now lies buried underground, has been mapped by researchers, revealing the location of its theatre, marketplace and other buildings.

Roman road discovered in the Venice lagoon

The discovery of a Roman road submerged in the Venice Lagoon is reported in Scientific Reports this week. The findings suggest that extensive settlements may have been present in the Venice Lagoon centuries before the founding ...

More than 600 ancient seals and amulets found

Classical scholars from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" made an unusually large find of seals in an ancient sanctuary in Turkey. They discovered more than 600 stamp seals and cylinder seals at the sacred ...

The art of Roman water management revealed

While 21st century water companies struggle to maintain clean, fresh supplies, new research from an international team led by Oxford geoarchaeologist Dr. Güel Sürmelihindi, reveals that, some 2,000 years ago, Roman water ...

Ancient Roman coins thought to be fakes now authenticated

A new analysis of several Roman coins unearthed in 1713—long thought to be forgeries—suggests that they are authentic, providing evidence that the leader portrayed on one of the coins was indeed in power during the 260s ...

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