Ancient traditions: Why we make New Year resolutions

As many of us start to think about our New Year's resolutions (or breaking them), we may not realise that the tradition of making promises on the first day of the year is a custom started by our Roman ancestors.

Roman 'Christmases' were similar to ours

When opening your presents or enjoying a night out this Christmas spare a quick thought for the Romans. We owe much of our festive fun to them.

More than 600 ancient seals and amulets found

Classical scholars from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" made an unusually large find of seals in an ancient sanctuary in Turkey. They discovered more than 600 stamp seals and cylinder seals at the sacred ...

Team uncovers more archeological treasures in southern Turkey

Shoveling and sweeping to expose still-hidden portions of a 1,600-square-foot marble mosaic that dates to Roman times, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln archeological team this past summer unearthed a new treasure in southern ...

The 'woman who understood Newton'

In this month's edition of Physics World, Paula Findlen from Stanford University profiles Laura Bassi—an emblematic and influential physicist from the 18th century who can be regarded as the first ever woman to forge a ...

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