'Super rats' develop genetic immunity to standard poisons

A University of Huddersfield scientist has alerted the UK to the mounting problem of destructive "super rats" immune to conventional poison. His research has created nationwide interest, especially in the West of England, ...

Understanding the risks of rodent poisons to birds of prey

Maureen Murray, V03, director of Tufts Wildlife Clinic and clinical associate professor at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, has been studying rodenticide exposure in birds of prey for over a decade. Exposure to rodenticides ...

What is killing Australia's smallest owls?

When a rare bird is in decline, its rarity becomes part of the problem: how can you protect a species you poorly understand and seldom see? That's where the boobook—Australia's smallest and most common owl—comes in.

Rodenticides in the environment pose threats to birds of prey

In recent decades, the increased use of chemicals in many industries has led to environmental pollution of water, soil and also wildlife. In addition to plant protection substances and human and veterinary medical drugs, ...