Inside the Irish lough that offers a window into the deep sea

Deeper than most scuba divers can safely work and above where most underwater robots are designed to descend lie some of the most poorly studied ecosystems in the world. Between 30 and 150 meters down is the ocean's mesophotic ...

EXPLAINER: What has Japanese space mission accomplished?

A small capsule containing asteroid soil samples that was dropped from 136,700 miles (220,000 kilometers) in space by Japan's Hayabusa2 spacecraft landed as planned in the Australian Outback on Sunday. After a preliminary ...

Image: Rover sunset

A rover crawls over rocky terrain on Spain's Canary Island of Lanzarote, also known as the island of a thousand volcanoes. A drone follows it closely from the sky as the Sun sets.

Explosive crater twins on Mars

( —Dramatic underground explosions, perhaps involving ice, are responsible for the pits inside these two large martian impact craters, imaged by ESA's Mars Express on 4 January.

NASA twin spacecraft to map the inner Moon

The US space agency plans to launch two unmanned spacecraft Thursday that will chase each other around the Moon as they use gravity measurements to draw an unprecedented map of its inner workings.

Record snowfalls causing high waters in Great Plains

Summers on the Great Plains are usually characterized by a lack of water. But flooding in several states has reversed that trend -- and it might not be the last of the high waters for 2011, according to a Kansas State University ...

How to grip an asteroid

For someone like Edward Fouad, a junior at Caltech who has always been interested in robotics and mechanical engineering, it was an ideal project: help develop robotic technology that could one day fly on a NASA mission to ...

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