Haptic solution for modelling industrial designs

(PhysOrg.com) -- Industrial design modelling, used to make prototypes of home appliances or mock-ups of car parts, could soon make the leap from the world of plaster, plastic and sticky tape into the digital domain thanks ...

Robots help farmers say goodbye to repetitive tasks

We do not often think about the labor that goes into bringing our favorite fruits and vegetables to our table. For farmers, growing healthy crops involves repetitive tasks such as weeding and spraying while the crop is growing. ...

Image: Simulated satellite rendezvous

A camera closes in on a detailed model satellite, to simulate the extreme "guidance navigation and control" (GNC) challenge of rendezvousing with an uncooperative target, such as a derelict satellite or distant asteroid.

Touch-sensitive avatar-robotic arm based on real-time haptics

Researchers at Keio University's Haptics Research Center have developed a 'real-time-avatar-robotic arm' that transmits sound, vision, and highly sensitive feelings of touch to remotely located users. This innovative touch ...

Britain's Johnson meets high-tech robots in Japan

British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Thursday shook hands with one of Japan's high-tech robots, a humanoid candidate to carry the torch as part of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Standard knowledge for robots

What do you know? There is now a world standard for capturing and conveying the knowledge that robots possess—or, to get philosophical about it, an ontology for automatons.

How to grip an asteroid

For someone like Edward Fouad, a junior at Caltech who has always been interested in robotics and mechanical engineering, it was an ideal project: help develop robotic technology that could one day fly on a NASA mission to ...

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