Guiding robot planes with hand gestures

Aircraft-carrier crew use a set of standard hand gestures to guide planes on the carrier deck. But as robot planes are increasingly used for routine air missions, researchers at MIT are working on a system that would enable ...

Toyota shows machines to help sick, elderly move

Toyota unveiled its ambitions for high-tech health care Tuesday, displaying experimental robots that the auto giant says can lift disabled patients from their hospital beds or help them walk.

Chatty robots go viral on YouTube

( -- An online chat between two robots set up by Cornell students is entertaining the nation.

'Endless Forms' uses the Web to breed 3-D printable objects

Just like generations of plants and animals evolve in nature, Cornell engineers are allowing anyone online to guide the evolution of printable, three-dimensional objects, aiming to revolutionize the design of art, architecture ...

Lockheed Martin develops maple-seed-like drone

The seeds that drop from maple trees each fall, whirring softly to the ground like silent one-winged helicopters, are the inspiration for a new kind of flying machine that could be useful for military information-gathering.

Teaching robots to identify human activities

( -- If we someday live in "smart houses" or have personal robots to help around the home and office, they will need to be aware of what humans are doing. You don't remind grandpa to take his arthritis pills if ...

Robots learning from experience (w/ Video)

Software that enables robots to move objects about a room, building up ever-more knowledge about their environment, is an important step forward in artificial intelligence.

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